Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New Start

So much has happened since my last post 7 months ago. I am over my ex completely. No more crying or wishing for us to be together. I have moved out of state and started over again.

Since my last entry, I have not spoken to whats his face (yes, he is not even worthy of getting his name mentioned). I got another cat a couple months ago, so now there is Tate and Tango, also known as the devil incarnate. He is wicked and annoying, but i still love him. And Tate, like usual, is just AWESOME.

I moved to RI and so far so good. My job is good and i like the people that I work with. I havent really been out cause i have been working hard trying to pay my step mom back and just trying to be ok and not be broke all the time. I still have a couple things i need to get for my apartment, and i need to get them soon since the holidays are coming and i actually have people coming up.

But all in all, I am happy here. I met this one guy Tim, such a jerk and so self involved. But then there is this other guy, James, that i havent met yet, but we talk and we get along really well together, atleast so far. He doesnt annoy me and there arent things about him that i can say i dont like and thats turning me off from meeting him. He makes the effort, which is nice, and I like the way we are together so far, its very comfortable. We are meeting this weekend, so hopefully it goes well. The only thing that I am concerned with is that he is in NY, more so in Albany, and I am timid about a long distance relationship. But i am willing to give it a shot.

I am not sure when I will write again, but i will try to keep it up.