Friday, March 04, 2011

Utter Confusion

I need help. I really do. Maybe I am still confused. Maybe I have no idea what I want. Maybe there is quite the possibility that I don't want anything or anyone. Who bloody knows.

I got an email from Jason and it has me twisted inside. I feel sick to my stomach. And its because I know how much i hurt him and how much anguish i caused. But I also know he doesn't have my heart and it sucks. The person that has my heart, honestly doesn't deserve it. But it all comes down to you cant help who you love.

Life is complicated and all I want is my family together and to be happy. Is that something I will ever have? Will the complications caused by Mike ever allow that?

Have I turned into that dumb female???????????????

Lets see what tomorrow brings. I can only handle one thing at a time, one day at a time.