Monday, May 02, 2011

Hell of a Weekend, filled with Drama

You know the lifetime movies where another woman is obsessed with your significant other and cant get the hint that their past relationship is over and she is determined to hold on and make everyone's life miserable?  That is what I am presently dealing with.

This woman logged into my husband's email account (when they were together before he gave it to her) and sent emails to herself and then forwarded them to me as "proof" of their relationship.  I then asked my hubby for his email password and everyone he gave me didn't work, which means that she at some point changed it and he forgot what it was.  I figured out how to change it and did and changed anyway for any other person to change it and gave him the new password.  She tries later that day to log into the account and finds out that she cant and emails me nastiness about me locking hubby out of his own email and "tattles" to him about it.  I so kindly told her he wasn't locked out, she was, and that halted anymore contact from her for the day.  But this woman caused so much stress and arguments between me and hubby ALL weekend. There is more history that isn't here that might be in previous posts that led me to believe some of what she was saying, but after thinking about things, there was nothing hubby could have done that should have led me to believe her.  He is always with me.  By the end of the weekend, things were OK with hubby, but it just goes to show what one crazy, obsessed woman would do to get what she wants and not let go of what she once has.  Who knows that we are back together but still insists they are a couple.  Its complete madness and I don't think she will ever stop.  We have to do things differently now so she has no ammunition to use against him to try to break us apart, because that is her goal.

All I can say is, I cant wait to move away from this bloody place.

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